Democracy, diversity and equal representation of all EU citizens are at the heart of the EU’s founding principles. Gender equality is part of the core values of the EU and it is a top priority for us as women entrepreneurs of Europe.
Women are the key upcoming elections are the key chain for the change we are after: parity democracy in the EU! We are supporting (EWL’s) 50% 50% campaign to encourage political parties to nominate equal number of women to men in the upcoming elections. While 52% of the EU’s population is female, currently, only 37,3% of the Members of the EP are female. That needs to change.
Only 30% of the entrepreneurs in Europe are female. Education, stereotypes, lack of confidence, work-life balance, and difficulties in accessing finance and business networks are the key barriers that are holding women from entering the market. We call on the new Commission to develop a specific Programme and an EU strategy for Women Entrepreneurs to foster women entrepreneurship in Europe.
Empowering women to participate equally in the global economy could add 28 trillion euros in GDP growth by 2025. Societies with greater gender equality not only offer better socio-economic opportunities for women, but also tend to grow faster and more equitably. We urge Member States to provide and ensure inclusive actions for inclusive female entrepreneurship. Programmes and actions targeting entrepreneurship in particular female entrepreneurship must give all people an equal opportunity to start up and operate businesses including under-represented groups in particular women without discrimination on the grounds of race, age, role, gender, colour, religion, country of origin, sexual orientation, marital status, dependents, disability, social class or political views.
We urge the EU and Member States to implement gender budgeting in all programmes and planning. Well-structured fiscal and gender responsive policies and programming could only benefit to Europe.
We are committed to close the digital gap for more women digital entrepreneurs. The recent study on “Women in the Digital Age” shows that only 24 out of every 1000 female graduates having an ICT related subject - of which only six go on to work in the digital sector. If more women were to enter the digital jobs market, it could create an annual 16 billion euros GDP boost for the European economy. We need to invest in initiatives and develop programs that empower and advance women and girls in architecting and leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Women are the key upcoming elections are the key chain for the change we are after: parity democracy in the EU! We are supporting (EWL’s) 50% 50% campaign to encourage political parties to nominate equal number of women to men in the upcoming elections. While 52% of the EU’s population is female, currently, only 37,3% of the Members of the EP are female. That needs to change.
Only 30% of the entrepreneurs in Europe are female. Education, stereotypes, lack of confidence, work-life balance, and difficulties in accessing finance and business networks are the key barriers that are holding women from entering the market. We call on the new Commission to develop a specific Programme and an EU strategy for Women Entrepreneurs to foster women entrepreneurship in Europe.
Empowering women to participate equally in the global economy could add 28 trillion euros in GDP growth by 2025. Societies with greater gender equality not only offer better socio-economic opportunities for women, but also tend to grow faster and more equitably. We urge Member States to provide and ensure inclusive actions for inclusive female entrepreneurship. Programmes and actions targeting entrepreneurship in particular female entrepreneurship must give all people an equal opportunity to start up and operate businesses including under-represented groups in particular women without discrimination on the grounds of race, age, role, gender, colour, religion, country of origin, sexual orientation, marital status, dependents, disability, social class or political views.
We urge the EU and Member States to implement gender budgeting in all programmes and planning. Well-structured fiscal and gender responsive policies and programming could only benefit to Europe.
We are committed to close the digital gap for more women digital entrepreneurs. The recent study on “Women in the Digital Age” shows that only 24 out of every 1000 female graduates having an ICT related subject - of which only six go on to work in the digital sector. If more women were to enter the digital jobs market, it could create an annual 16 billion euros GDP boost for the European economy. We need to invest in initiatives and develop programs that empower and advance women and girls in architecting and leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
(Brussels, April 2019) The Women Entrepreneurship Platform published a manifesto for the EU elections 2019. You can find the full version here.
WEP's Advocacy Agenda for 2018
(Brussels, 13 June 2018) You can now find our advocacy agenda for Q3 and Q4 of 2018. We will be focusing our efforts on 5 different policy areas:
- An EU strategy for Women Entrepreneurs
- Closing the digital gap - more women entrepreneurs in the tech sector
- Entrepreneurship education
- Work-life Balance
- Breaching the glass-ceiling
European Commission Public Consultation on the SME Definition
Brussels, 4 May 2018
We have published our contribution to the European Commission's public consultation on a possible review of the SME definition. You can find it here.
We have published our contribution to the European Commission's public consultation on a possible review of the SME definition. You can find it here.
Amendments to the FEMM Draft Opinion on Reconciliation of Work and Family Life Directive
Brussels, 10 April 2018
Ahead of the deadline for the submission of amendments in the FEMM Committee, we have sent our suggested amendments to the draft Opinion, to MEPs from the FEMM Committee we had previously met. You can find them here.
Ahead of the deadline for the submission of amendments in the FEMM Committee, we have sent our suggested amendments to the draft Opinion, to MEPs from the FEMM Committee we had previously met. You can find them here.
Reconciliation of Work and Family Life Directive
Brussels, 23 March 2018
Yesterday we met with several MEPs in the European Parliament to discuss the European Commission's proposal and the European Parliament's Report on the Reconciliation of Work and Family Life Directive. We welcome the Commission's proposal which introduces a paternity leave, non-transferable parental leave, flexible working arrangements and carers' leave. You can find our position paper here.
Yesterday we met with several MEPs in the European Parliament to discuss the European Commission's proposal and the European Parliament's Report on the Reconciliation of Work and Family Life Directive. We welcome the Commission's proposal which introduces a paternity leave, non-transferable parental leave, flexible working arrangements and carers' leave. You can find our position paper here.
International Women's Day 2018 Press Release
8 March 2018
FEMM, in collaboration with the Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments, organized an Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting on "Empowering women and girls in media and ICTs: key for the future". Find out more On 7 March, WEP Board Member Chery Miller participated the seminar as moderator, organised by Parliament for journalists on International Women’s Day 2018: women in media and ICT. Read our press release here.
FEMM, in collaboration with the Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments, organized an Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting on "Empowering women and girls in media and ICTs: key for the future". Find out more On 7 March, WEP Board Member Chery Miller participated the seminar as moderator, organised by Parliament for journalists on International Women’s Day 2018: women in media and ICT. Read our press release here.
WEP's Position Paper on the EU Budget
WEP has published a position paper on the EU Budget proposal for the post-2020 multi annual Financial Framework. Read more...
Open letter to Commissioner Věra Jourová: WEP calls for a real EU Strategy for Women Entrepreneurs
During a successful workshop in the European Parliament organised with Sirpa Pietikäinen MEP on the 22nd November, a number of issues faced by women entrepreneurs were highlighted by the panel of high-level speakers. The discussion identified two principal obstacles for women entrepreneurs: gendered education and the difficulty to access financing. Therefore, WEP calls on Commissioner Věra Jourová and the European Commission to draw a real EU Strategy for Women Entrepreneurs.
Read our letter here.
Read our letter here.